
Monday, July 25, 2011

Bring on the funnies!

When you're a special needs momma doing it alone, you need two things: 1) the patience of Job (case in point my youngest just spilled his raspberry cider again and managed to do it on the clean clothes! :S ) and 2) a sense of humor!! :) I learned a long time ago that I could laugh at myself, don't ask how, though it would be quite amusing! :) The truth is, we all need a good laugh, it's extremely beneficial for your physical health as well as your emotional health, and may even uplift your spirit! So here are some of my funny statuses from FB, snippets of conversations I've had and things passed on from friends that make me laugh: 

My "status" as of today: 
Note to the person who keeps calling: When I don't answer the first two time, please consider that my sorry bum may be literally stuck head first, legs in the air behind a dresser trying to retrieve my sons pumpkin lovey. You can do one of two things: Leave a silly message or send help!! Just stop calling as in my rush to get to the phone, for I what I believe to be something important, I actually wedged myself further behind the dresser....again with legs in the air!  Thank you for your time! 

(I seriously had visions of the fire department showing up, which in turn would lead to a mysterious video showing up on Youtube! lol)

My theme video! :D Which is the song I sing when I'm having a REALLY bad day. Always makes someone laugh, which in turn makes me laugh! :) 

A quote from Erma Bombeck:
One thing that they never tell you about child raising is that for the rest of your life, at the drop of a hat, you are expected to know your child's name and how old he or she is.
My response: They seem to take offense when I call them by the wrong name, who knew?!  :D 

Interesting factoids:
It takes 7 seconds for food to pass from mouth to stomach. A human hair can hold 3kg. The length of a penis is 3x the length of the thumb. The femur is as hard as concrete. A woman's beats faster than a man's. Women blink 2x as much as men. We use 300 muscles just to keep our balance when we stand. A woman has read this entire post. The man is still looking at his thumb. 

My son's fav joke, which I chuckle for, in spite of myself: Pizza's are about the delivery. I know, it's bad right? :) 

Lastly a snippet of a conversation with one of my fav ladies, us Cancers stick together. :)
L: Did you ever notice that when you walk into spiderwebs you suddenly become a ninja? I soo looked like that this morning. 
Me: LOL Ninja does not describe what happens......I look more like a crazy, schizophrenic, cat lady, no one wants to talk to, trying to do some kind of touchdown victory dance! Screaming at thin air, doing some kind of drunk jig, waving my arms around talking and yelling to myself!!! Which then in turn leads to everyone thinking that my son actually got his TS from me because I spend the next hour twitching and jumping at nothing. Convinced that the web is still there and that there were millions of microscopic baby spiders that have made a nest in my hair or clothes. 

Alright, I know that not everyone shares my sense of humor but, if one of these has not made you laugh or at least smile.....something is wrong!! ;)

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