

Howdy and welcome to my blog! My name is Em and I'm a SAHM of two special needs boys.

DW, my oldest is one of the smartest boys I've ever met. He's more serious a lot of the time. He has TS (Tourette Syndrome), SPD (Sensory Processing Disorder), Asperger's, Developmental Dyspraxia, OCD, ADHD, IEBD (Intermittent Explosive Behavior Disorder), ODD (Oppositional Defiant Disorder), etc. DW wears aids as he slowly looses his hearing, like his father and paternal grandfather did and wears braces on his feet and ankles for his advanced pronation. These things do not define him by any means and really aren't always a challenge but, on a bad day.....they sure as heck do not help either!
An older picture of him being silly, which is why it's one of my favorites. This is a rarer occurrence these days.  

 JD, my youngest guy, is the charmer/comedian in the family. He's always laughing hysterically, being goofy and never holds still! Physically more healthy than his big brother, he still is not without his issues as well. JD has ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder), SPD, ADHD, some motor delays, and receptive language deficits. Accentuating all of this is his extremely noticeable energy or lack of attention and focus.
JD at the indoor water park, he was in his own little world that day! :) 

I started writing this blog ages ago for some kind of therapeutic outlet and took some time off to get my life straightened out. Everything I post here is from out crazy lives together. The ups, the downs and everything in between! It's our life!

What's with the Cheerios you may ask. In my family Cheerios is always kind of a joke, for many reasons.
One, no matter where you walk or sit, you're always bound to find a random Cheerio. So, we joke that Cheerios, though often hidden are always there, just waiting to be found. And personally, I'd swear that they multiply too. If you find one, there is another one hiding near by! The challenge of life is to maneuver through and not step on them. Heaven knows no one really likes or wants to clean up Cherrio powder, that stuff never really comes up with a broom!
Two, the times us women have felt like we were going knucking futs, we jokingly say that we'll be waiting for the men in white coats, sitting in the bathtub playing in a bathtub of Cheerios. :) Not exactly roll on your bum funny, but our sense of humor has never been like everyone else's. ;) This is where the blog's new name came from!

So, sit back, grab a drink of tea and enjoy the insanity! :D